Second World War
The fighting of the Second World War touched every corner of the globe, on land, on sea and in the air. Today, nearly 600,000 Second World War casualties are commemorated by the CWGC in cemeteries and memorials around the world. Tell us their stories. (Image: © IWM E 17110)
Sidney G Parrott, Wireless Operator, 97 Squadron, OF-C JB117. Black Thursday.
By Kiel Almond
United Kingdom
Sergeant Jeffrey Thomas Morey, 1578513, RAFVR, 207 Sqdn. - 'Little Nan’s Grief...'
By Jenny delahaye
United Kingdom
Corporal George Henry Gale 1869504, 11th Field Company, Royal Engineers
By Philip Baldock
United Kingdom
Sergeant Peter Brindley Robinson 1394512, RAFVR, 427 (RCAF) Sqn., - 'Cousin Peter...'
By Christopher Richards
United Kingdom
Major Allen Algernon Bathurst, Lord Apsley DSO, MC, TD, MP 12995, 1st Royal Gloucester Hussars