Women at war
Many of the unsung heroes of the two world wars are the women who served and died for their countries. From medical staff to pilots, radio operators to secret agents, women fulfilled myriad roles in the two world wars. Tell us their stories. (image: RAF Air Historical C386)
Second Officer Irene Arckless, ATA - 'Hoping to do my bit for our dear old country'
By Sally McGlone
United Kingdom
Civilian Doris Constance Raven - NAAFI Manageress, RAF Waddington
By Sally McGlone
United Kingdom
Petty Officer Ellen Victoria Whittall, WRNS - 'a Division at BRNC Dartmouth named in her honour'
By Sally McGlone
United Kingdom
First Officer Dora Lang, ATA - 'Ex WAAF Plotter to Air Transport Auxiliary Pilot'
By Sally McGlone
United Kingdom
Mechanic Driver Florence Embleton, Women's Legion - 'Clerk - Nurse - Driver'
By David Cross
United Kingdom