When war was declared, many Royal Bank employees immediately enlisted. At first they were granted a leave of absence with an allowance and the understanding that their services would be re-engaged on their return from war. After September 1915, staff members were required to resign with a guarantee of a job on their return if their services could be used.
Continued enlistments, coupled with continuously expanding business, caused progressively acute staffing issues and Royal Bank found it necessary to engage women as banking clerks – with the understanding that they would be replaced by returning soldiers. This was a fundamental change for the bank as women had previously only been engaged as stenographers and filing clerks.
Almost 1,500 Royal Bank employees enlisted for active service. Of these, more than 300 employees lost their lives. One staff member who elected to return to the bank was distinguished Canadian poet Francis Sherman, who enlisted in 1915 and returned to the bank in 1919.
In 1928 the bank honoured those employees who died or were missing in action by erecting large memorial tablets in the newly constructed head office building at 360 St. James Street, Montreal.
William Robertson Hamilton was born at Aberdalgie, Perthshire on 30th January 1892, the son of a Gamekeeper. He served for two years with the Commercial Bank of Scotland, and joined the New Westminster, British Columbia, branch of the Royal Bank of Canada on 21st November 1911.
William would have been one of the first people to enlist in the Great War, and enlisted from that office on 10th August 1914, in the 7th Battalion, British Columbia Regiment, which was part of the 1st Canadian Division. He signed his papers to go overseas at Valcartier, Quebec, on 23rd September 1914.
Second Battle of Ypres (22nd April - 25th May 1915)
The Battle of Gravenstafel Ridge took place from 22nd to 23rd April 1915, followed by the Battle of St Julien from 24th April to 5th May. The village of St Julien was in the rear of the 1st Canadian Division until the poison-gas attack of 22nd April, when it became the front line.
On the morning of 24th April, the Germans released another gas-cloud towards the Canadian line just west of St Julien. The Allied countermeasures to this gas attack were ineffective and the German troops took the village. While there is no definitive record of how and when William Hamilton lost his life it is likely that he died at some stage of this action. He was 23 years old.
School Magazine “THE YOUNG BARBARIAN” - Midsummer 1915
“A third hero to lay down his life is Private Wm. R. Hamilton, whose mother resides in Edinburgh Road, Perth. Private Hamilton before proceeding to Canada, was employed in the Clydesdale Bank, Perth. In Canada he was serving in the Royal Bank and enlisted at the outbreak of war. Private Hamilton was only 23 years of age. Private Hamilton was attached to the 7th Battalion of the 1st British Columbia Regiment”.
Perthshire Advertiser - 12th May 1915
“Information was received in Perth during the week end that three Canadian soldiers, natives of the city, had fallen in action. Private Robert Lindsay, Lance-Corporal Wm. Drummond and Private W. R. Hamilton are the three heroes in question."
“Private Hamilton was employed in the Clydesdale Bank, Perth, before he left for Canada, for a banking appointment there. He enlisted at the outbreak of war, and came over with the Canadian Expeditionary Force.”
William Hamilton is also commemorated on the St. Leonard’s Parish Church War Memorial, Perth; and the Memorial to the Fallen of the Royal Bank of Canada.