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Aalestrup Churchyard

  • Country Denmark
  • Total identified casualties 14 Find these casualties
  • Identified casualties from Second World War
  • GPS Coordinates Latitude: 56.69296, Longitude: 9.49919

Location information

Aalestrup is a small town in mid Jutland approximately 25 kilometres north of Viborg and 3 kilometres west of the A13 road from Viborg to Aalborg. From the south turn left off the A13 onto the N561, signposted to Aalestrup, and left again onto the local road 1 kilometre from the town. Proceed over the level crossing towards the centre of the town and the red brick church can be seen from the pedestrianised area which must be circumvented. From the main entrance to the churchyard the war graves can be seen 50 metres straight ahead in a hedged plot with a central red sandstone pillar.

History information

Aalestrup Churchyard contains the graves of eight Commonwealth airmen. Six Polish airmen are also buried in this churchyard.
